Thursday, February 17, 2011

And the Case of the Empty Email

There is a situation in my life that makes me incredibly frustrated. I don't want to handle it, and don't know HOW to handle it, so I bitch and moan and let it get to me often. I know that these passive aggressive tendencies are not healthy or helpful so I started writing about it in my journal, once I started writing in my journal again after following Julia Cameron's advice. And it helped. Then I started working out and that helped too, but I can't make it to the gym every day and that frustration just keeps building up. So I started writing emails - emails without a To address, ones that I will never send. Empty emails, if you will. On these emails I can actually say what I want. I can place blame even where it's not due. I can fire off insults, I can explain disappointment and dread and all the things that I really can't say, all the things that don't need to be said, really, because it's not you, it's never you, it's me. No, it's not me. I was just saying that to be cliche. It's the situation. And it's you. And it's me. Hell!

The empty emails really do help; it's like sucking poison from a wound. There's a lot of poison in this wound though, and it only festers when life gets stressful and eventful.

So here are some other stress-relieving tips from me and from the good ol' interwebs. A list, if you will. Brief, informative, delightful.

  1. Shadow boxing
  2. High kicking
  3. Breathing
  4. Amigurumi-ing
  5. Walking, even aimlessly
And, of course, my favorite: cursing. And the creative ways to incorporate bad words into your life.

    Hollow Book Secret Safe available on Etsy.
    The F Word Cross Stitch available on Etsy.

    1 comment:

    1. I know I've said it before, but I'll say it again (and again and again). I simply adore you!

      Know I'm here if you need to vent or just want to talk about anything (or nothing). Love you, mean it!
