Thursday, February 24, 2011

This is the story, and you're not in it.

Over the last few days I've been talking and thinking a lot about break ups. It was sunny this weekend but that drab, sad feeling of the bottom dropping out prevailed, and the sun slipped away sometime early in the week, leaving us with gray clouds, chilly weather, and sniffly noses. We can't just ignore it, this feeling. I usually just try to ignore anything that bothers me - the dirty dishes, the overflowing trash, the finite breaking of a heart. But just like the dishes and the trash, these need to be addressed and overcome.

I was chatting with my best friend earlier. We're tired and busy. We need to clear our heads so we planned a night to wear heels and flirty smiles. We need to heal, we need to get past this, and we can do it together, right? Right.

I can't stop listening to I'm Not Yours. It's relevant for all of us, and you know who you are.

So how do you get over it?

Boyfriend in a bottle available on Etsy.